Council of Governors
Trust Headquarters
St George’s Site
Long Leys Road
12 May 2023
Board of Directors
Trust Headquarters
St George’s
Long Leys Road
Dear Board of Directors
Council of Governors’ Opinion on the Annual Quality Report 2022/23
The Council of Governors has received a copy of the Trust’s Annual Quality Report 2022/23 and has been given the opportunity to scrutinise and comment on its contents.
The Council has, throughout the year, had the opportunity, both through formal performance assurance reports to the Council of Governors’ meetings and in joint Board and Council meetings, to seek and gain assurance from the Directors in regard to the delivery of quality services to our service users and their carers.
The Governors have also been afforded the opportunity to contribute to the planning of services, and act, through the Representation Committee and the iLog system, to ensure that the views of others are represented to officers of the Trust and to the Trust Board. This provides Governors with an opportunity to hear and provide the Trust with independent feedback on the quality of services.
The Quality Committee of the Board has also provided the Council with a report on its performance against its terms of reference, indicating that the quality objectives and processes for scrutinising the report content are working effectively.
Yours sincerely
Debbie Abrams OBE
Lead Governor