Staff networks
We value the equality, diversity and human rights of our staff and service users. As a public body each NHS organisation has a duty to ensure that, wherever possible, everybody can use or receive its services to the same standards regardless of:
- race
- disability (including learning disability)
- gender
- age
- religion or belief
- sexual orientation
- civil partnership
- maternity and pregnancy
- gender reassignment
Why do we need staff networks?
Staff networks offer a safe and supported space for people with protected characteristics and allies to share their views, ideas and experiences.
- They provide an opportunity for staff to consult on and contribute to policies and other workforce related issues.
- They deliver support, information and guidance.
- They increase feelings of belonging and involvement for staff, allowing opportunities for celebration and raising awareness.
Our networks
- Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage (REACH) and Allies Staff Network
- LGBT+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans +) and Allies Staff Network
- MAPLE (Mental And Physical Lived Experience) and Allies Staff Network
- Women and Allies Staff Network
- Men's and Allies Staff Network
Each network meeting has a peer support session which takes place before the main
meeting. Peer support meetings include:
- Menopause
- Fertility
- Return to Work
Staff network resources
Useful contacts
Equality, diversity and inclusion
Telephone: 01522 421512