Like all NHS organisations, integrated care systems have now been introduced to support health and care organisations in a locality work as closely together as possible. In Lincoln...
During the last year we have continued to deliver care to thousands of people, despite increasing demand, complexity and pressures the NHS remains under.
The Board regularly monitor risks through its Board Escalation and Assurance Framework.
The Trust Board consists of the chair, executive and non-executive directors, including the chief executive. They are collectively responsible for the performance of the Trust.
Membership is open to anyone aged over twelve years, within public, service user, carer or staff categories.
Ensuring we have the right people with the right skills to provide excellent patient care and support to patient care is at the heart of what we do.
We collect feedback from colleagues in a variety of ways including the annual National Staff Survey, national Quarterly Pulse Surveys and also through less structured methods inclu...
Each year we hold our Annual Public and Members' Meeting in September, for members, public, stakeholders and staff, to hear about what the Trust has done in the previous ...
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