Help yourself resources

There are lots of things that you can do to keep yourself well, or to help you feel better if you feel as though things are getting you down. These are just suggestions so think about what will work for you.

It's good to talk....

Rather than keeping any difficulties or feeling bottled up, it’s really important to talk about your feelings and any problems or difficulties you may be feeling.

Talking can be a way to cope with or solve a problem you’ve been carrying around in your head for a while.

Just being listened to can really help you feel supported and less alone. Importantly, talking about feelings should not be considered a sign of weakness, but actually an important part of looking after yourself.

You don’t need to sit your loved ones down for a big conversation. Many people feel more comfortable when these conversations develop naturally – maybe when you’re doing something together. It may feel awkward and difficult at first, so it is important to keep at it and practice every day.

Mindfulness and relaxation


Mindfulness is a technique that people use to become more aware of how they are feeling and what is happening around them. We tend to ignore how we are feeling and what we are thinking most of the time unless something goes wrong. Being mindful gives you a chance to stop and notice what is happening rather than just being on 'auto-pilot’ all the time.

NHS Choices mindfulness information

Free to listen and download relaxation and mindfulness sequences from LPFT steps2change service on our SoundCloud Channel

A growing collection of mindfulness meditation exercises (free to download)


Sometimes we don’t notice that stress and tension are building up. It can help to learn relaxation techniques which allow you to feel in control of your body. Try using this No Panic’s Relaxation Technique

People who can help


We all know that having supportive friends and spending time with them makes us feel good but it sometimes isn’t easy to make and keep friends. Also, bullying can be a huge problem. When someone has been bullied they may struggle to make new friends due to feeling worried that the same thing will happen again. If you need it, get help with building up your confidence. Ask an adult you trust or look at Childline website

Think about how to widen your social network so that you can meet people your age who are similar to you or share interests, for example by joining a club or taking part in a sport.


If you think you need a bit of time to talk with one of your parents let them know that. Ask him or her to make some time for you without interruptions. Parents often feel that they are losing touch with their teenage children and don’t know how to approach them. This doesn’t mean that they don’t care. Don’t worry about upsetting your parents. Most parents will be relieved that you feel able to speak to them.

You might not feel like talking though. If you want to, just let them know that you want to spend a bit of time together without talking about your problems. It is good to do this by planning things that you both like doing. For example:

  • watching something on TV
  • having a pamper session
  • gaming session
  • baking.

Sometimes brothers and sisters are great at being a friend and supporter, but sometimes it can be difficult to get along. Again, try to find things that you enjoy that you can do together and make time for this. Or, speak to your parents if you need someone to make sure that things get sorted out fairly.


If you can’t talk to anyone at home and you need to talk to an adult, ask to speak to a teacher who you trust. Or you may need to speak to a teacher because of an issue at school such as bullying or problems with your work.

If you’re 11 to 19 years old you can also TEXT your school nurse on 07507 331620.  They can help with all kinds of things like:

  • mental health
  • bullying
  • self-harm
  • alcohol
  • smoking
  • sex
  • relationships.

More information

The websites below give more information about all these topics:

If your problems are becoming too severe to manage with support from people around you, a teacher, nurse or your doctor can refer you to Young Minds Matter.

If you or someone you know is being abused  please contact NSPCC or go to North East Lincolnshire Council’s website

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