Your first appointment

Coming to our service can seem quite scary and you might not know what to expect, but your first appointment is nothing to be afraid of.

Remember, this first appointment is a chance to meet a Young Minds Matter practitioner and for you to as ask us questions about what we do and how we can help.

We understand that speaking about your thoughts and feelings can feel really scary at first. We will try and help you as much as we can.

It is also important to let you know you will never be forced to share anything with us that you don’t want to.

In your first appointment, you will be asked to complete some forms or questionnaires.  These can help you and the Young Minds Matter practitioner make sense of what is going on, and the best way to support you.  When you start to feel better, we can look back at them to see how you are improving and the excellent progress you are making.

If you don’t want to talk during your first appointment or are worried about this, the Young Minds Matter Practitioner is there to help and would appreciate you sharing your worries.

Some of the things we might ask

  • Who you live with, and how things are in your family.
  • What life was like when you were younger.
  • What school or college is like for you.
  • How you would describe some of your difficulties, and when you believe they started.
  • What you would like to change by coming to Young Minds Matter.
  • What activities or interests you have and enjoy.
  • Who are the supportive people in your life.

See a walkthrough of what you can expect at your Young Minds Matter appointment by watching the videos below.

young person in therapy room