MHST Podcast

Published on: 21st January 2021

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Our Mental Health Support Team (MHST) have launched a podcast to promote positive mental health for children and young people! It is now available on several platforms including Spotify and Google Podcasts! The #MHSTpodcast includes useful hints, tips and activities.​​​​​ Click here to listen now on

Read the podcast descriptions for more information on what the team discuss in each episode. Some topics are aimed specifically at children, young people, parents or professionals.

MHST Podcast episodes 

Season 3

9. Positive self-talk and affirmations

In this episode, we explore the transformative power of positive self-talk and affirmations, unpacking how they can reshape our mindset, build our resilience and boost our mood.

Listen to this episode now

8. World Mental Health Day 2024

This episode is aimed at staff who work in education settings.

Thursday 10 October marks World Mental Health Day. The theme is set by the World Health Federation and this year's theme is 'it is time to prioritise mental health in the workplace“.

In this episode we are joined by Chris. Together we consider some of the challenges that can work against prioritising mental health in the workplace and how we can overcome these with small everyday activities. 

Listen to this episode now

7. Healthy Holidays - Parent Podcast

In this podcast we are joined by Kieran from Gloji Energy to talk about how parents and carers can help their children enjoy a mentally and physically healthy summer holiday. 

Listen to this episode now

6. Who else can support? - SHOUT 

In this episode we meet with Sarah from SHOUT. SHOUT is a free, confidential and 24/7 text messaging service for anyone in the UK who needs support. To start a conversation, text the word ‘Shout’ to 85258.

Listen to this episode now

5. Who else can support? - Kooth

In this episode we meet with Eloise from Kooth. Kooth are an online service where people can access free, safe and anonymous support. Elosie shares information on their magazine, discussion board, journal and Kooth chat or messenger. All of these can be found via

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4. The social media world and our mental health

"Whilst social media can be completely awesome, it is okay to unplug every now and then’’.

This episode is hosted by peer support workers who all have lived experience of mental health challenges themselves. A young person also joins the conversation where we explore how social media can/has influenced our wellbeing in a positive and negative way, and we share different ways to look after ourselves.

Listen to this episode now

3. The journey of a referral

This episode aims to explain what happens once a referral is made to LPFT's Children and Young People Services.

Becky and Lucy talk through what happens to a referral, who looks at the referral and what you can expect once you have made a referral. 

For information on support and making a referral, please take a look at our website page: ⁠Young people :: Lincolnshire Young Minds (

Listen to this episode now

2. Random Acts of Kindness

February includes ‘Random Acts of Kindness Day!’ This episode delves into how small gestures can make a big difference to wellbeing, both our own and that of people around us.

We’ll share some ideas you can use to scatter random acts of kindness into your day and set you a challenge to come up with your own ways to spread joy.

Listen to this episode now

1. SMART resolutions for a new chapter

The New Year can be seen as an opportunity for a fresh start, where many people look ahead and consider the changes they may want to make over the coming year.

Making any changes can be difficult. In this episode, we discuss ways to make these changes easier, including how to make our New Year's resolutions SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based).

Listen to this episode now


Mindfulness series

Episode 4

This podcast is the fourth and final episode of our ‘mindfulness series’ and is aimed at children. Mindfulness is a technique that people use to become more aware of how they are feeling and what is happening around them. We tend to ignore how we are feeling and what we are thinking most of the time unless something goes wrong. Being mindful gives you a chance to stop and notice what is happening rather than just being ‘on auto-pilot’ all the time. The 5-4-3-2-1 tool from this podcast can help you with this. 

Listen to this episode now

Episode 3

This podcast is the third of our ‘mindfulness series’ and is aimed at children. Sometimes we don’t notice that stress and tension are building up. It can help to learn a progressive muscle relaxation technique to help you feel in control of your body.  The progressive muscle relaxation activity in this podcast can help people to pay attention to and relax different parts of their body.

Listen to this episode now

Episode 2

This podcast is the second of our ‘mindfulness series’ and is aimed at children. This podcast will tell you all about square breathing. This is a simple relaxation technique that can be practised anywhere – some people like to trace or visualise a square when they complete it. With regular practice, breathing skills can provide a sense of calm and focus.

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Episode 1

This podcast is the first of our ‘mindfulness series’ and is aimed at children. It will guide them through a relaxation activity in which they can channel their inner Batman. Just like the rest of us, superheroes need to take time to recharge. This activity can help them do just this.

Listen to this episode now


Season 2

29. 50th episode special 

We take a trip down memory lane, looking at the podcasts that we have created over the past few years, sharing our favourites and looking at the feedback from some of our schools that use them.

We also take the time to celebrate the achievements we have made and how overcoming challenges can make people more resilient.

Listen to this episode now

28. Small steps to happiness

When people feel low or anxious, they may be less likely to be doing things they used to enjoy, which can actually make them feel worse.

Taking small steps to happiness includes increasing activities that you enjoy or find rewarding. This may sound quite daunting, but this podcast talks through the steps to get started. When you start to do more activities, you may notice that you actually start to feel better and have more energy.

Listen to this episode now

27. Fight, Flight, Freeze

Ready to dive into your body's superhero mode?

This episode of the podcast unpacks the battle between the fight, flight and freeze response, releveling what goes on internally during this response.

Ever wondered why your heart races or you get sweaty palms? This episode shares the scoop on how adrenaline impacts your body and the symptoms it can unleash.

We also focus on how relaxation can help calm this response. 

Listen to this episode now

26. Women in sport

"Exercise is the miracle cure we've always had, but for too long we've neglected to take our recommended dose."

In this episode, we explore how women are increasingly embracing sports to have a positive impact on wellbeing and health. We are joined by Rosie, who shares her experiences of being a member of different sports teams.

Listen to this episode now

25. School transition

In this podcast, aimed at year 6 pupils moving up to year 7, we talk about the transition between primary and secondary school.

We discuss our own experiences, think about the changes that come with moving up to secondary school, and talk through some problem-solving (which, helpfully, we can apply to any problems we face!).

We don’t forget to discuss some of the positives that come with moving up to secondary school too!

Enjoy your summer break and good luck in your new schools year 6 – we are sure you will do fantastic.

Listen to this episode now

24. Wellbeing and pets

There’s a saying, “a dog is a man’s best friend”. Many people with a pet would agree with this wholeheartedly! In this episode, we wanted to look at how pets can support us in meeting the five steps to wellbeing. Kerry and Jasper also join us to talk about how animal assisted therapy is used in our own children and young people services.

Listen to this episode now

23. Winter wellbeing

Winter is a magical season, full of festivities, parties and for some people, gifts! Gift-giving can be great for our wellbeing. However, pressures associated with giving presents can negatively impact how we feel. In this podcast, we discuss the wonderful ways to treat your loved ones, boosting your wellbeing, whilst avoiding some of the worry.

Listen to this episode now

We also have several 'how to' guides, as well as videos to help you create your own festive treats!

Creative CAMHS playlist - YouTube 

How to guide - origami gift boxes

How to make salt dough gift tags 

How to make pine cone bird feeders

21. Cost of living

This edition of the MHST podcast is aimed at parents/carers and school staff. 

We know that a large percentage of children are worried about how the cost of living crisis may impact them and their families. This podcast aims to support adults in having conversations with children and young people to help alleviate some of those worries.

Some credible sources of support are:

The Money Helper

Citizens Advice

Step Change 

National Debt Line 

Please note, the information is up to date as of October 2022. LPFT does not promote or endorse the use of the organisations, companies and resources mentioned and may amend or update this information at any time. It is designed to highlight a range of support available.

Listen to this episode now

20. World Mental Health Day 2022

In this edition of the podcast, aimed at children and young people, we talk about World Mental Health Day, which takes place on 10 October. The theme of World Mental Health Day 2022 is ‘making mental health and wellbeing a priory for all’. Within this podcast, we explore how we can prioritise our mental health, as well as how other countries and cultures prioritise their mental health.

Listen to this episode now

19. Masking

This edition of the podcast is aimed at parents and professionals. During the podcast we discuss masking, how this may look at home and in school, as well as what you can do to support the young person.

The link for additional resources and information discussed within the podcast is: Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Support.

During this podcast, we'll be using person focused and diagnostic focus language to discuss young people that might have a diagnosis of autism.

Listen to this episode now

18. Exam results

In this edition of the podcast, we discuss exam results and what you can do if you don't get the results you were expecting. We have teamed up with a careers advisor from a further education setting who has shared her advice on the next steps you can take.

Listen to this episode now

17. Maintaining friendships

This month's podcast is aimed at children and young people aged 5 - 18. We discuss healthy relationships, maintaining healthy boundaries within friendships and finding your crowd. We also discuss how friendships can impact your mental health in both positive and negative ways.

Listen to this episode now

16. Loneliness

This edition of the MHST (Mental Health Support Team) podcast is in collaboration with Mental Health Awareness week. Mental Health Awareness Week runs from 9 - 15 May and the theme this year is loneliness. In this podcast, we discuss how loneliness can feel for different people and the steps we can put into place to manage this.

Listen to this episode now

15. Stress Awareness

This episode of the MHST (Mental Health Support Team) podcast is all about stress awareness. Aimed at all ages, Lucy and James explore how stress feels and discuss how stress can actually be helpful! 

You can also find some useful tips to manage stress in our MHST Stress Busting Booklet via the following links:

Listen to this episode now

14. Seasonal changes 

In this podcast, we talk about the changes we might experience with the weather changing! Lighter and longer days are close by with the clocks going forward last weekend. Listen to our tips which might help this season.

Listen to this episode now

13. Transitioning to university

Moving away from home and starting university can be a big change for many people and it can take time to adjust. The Mental Health Support Team have a special guest in this podcast talking about transitioning to university, the challenges they have faced and the support they have accessed. 

Listen to this episode now

12. LGBT+ History Month

The month of February celebrates LGBTQ+ History Month and to mark this important month, the MHST have created this podcast. The podcast is aimed at young people and adults and explores why we celebrate this awareness month and the connection between the LGBTQ+ communities and mental health. We are also joined by special guests, London Drag Queens, Flesh and Bones, who talk about their experiences of growing up within the LGBTQ+ community. They also share some top tips for looking after your mental health.

Listen to this episode now

11. Children's Mental Health Week - 5 steps to wellbeing

This episode of the MHST podcast is all about Children's Mental Health Week and the steps you can take to stay mentally healthy. Aimed at all ages, we discuss the 5 steps to wellbeing and how you can put them into practice in your daily life. This podcast is split into 5 segments so that you can focus on one step for each day of the week.

Listen to this episode now

10. Brew Monday and starting conversations

This is a podcast aimed at parents, carers and professionals to mark 'Brew Monday'. Brew Monday is day to remind us all about the importance of connection, whether that be checking in with ourselves, or those around us especially during these dark winter months. We also share hints and tips for starting conversations with children and young people and creating a safe space to talk about feelings, which we understand can often be a challenge in day to day life.

Listen to this episode now

9. Exploring mindfulness

In our first podcast of 2022, Lucy, Chris and Mel explore what mindfulness is, how it can help us and which ways we can practice this in our daily lives. This podcast is aimed at 10-18 year olds.

The mindfulness 5-4-3-2-1 grounding exercise can be found at

Listen to this episode now

8. MHST: Christmas wellbeing tips

This edition of the MHST podcast is all about Christmas and how to manage overwhelming feelings during the festive period. Aimed at 5-16 year olds, we discuss different tips and ideas of how to cope over the Christmas period. It also includes the 12 days of MHST Christmas Wellbeing tips! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the team!

Listen to this episode now

7. MHST: Body image and self-confidence

This podcast is about body image and self-confidence. We talk about the difficulties when using social media and how it can affect our mental health. This podcast is aimed for teenagers and young people.

Listen to this episode now

6. MHST: Dealing with uncertainty 

We all face a lot of uncertainty and change as we go through life. However recently, we have probably had to deal with more uncertainty than normal! This podcast explores how uncertainty can make us feel and ways that we can help manage the uncertainties we may face.

Listen to this episode now

5. MHST: Men's Mental Health Month 

November is Men's Mental Health Month. Here at MHST we have taken this opportunity to explore male mental health and the stigma surrounding it. In this podcast we have input from two of our male practitioners. We have also had some incredible and interesting conversations with a young man who is being supported by our service. This young man has also shared some poetry he has been writing.

Listen to this episode now

4. MHST: Seasonal changes

In this podcast we talk about the changes we might experience with the weather changing! Darker mornings and evenings can cause our motivation to lack, but listen to our tips that might help.

Listen to this episode now

3. MHST: World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is on 10th October 2021. You might notice your school celebrating Hello Yellow on 8th October which is a campaign by Young Minds to promote mental health awareness. This year’s theme is “Mental health in an unequal world” so in this podcast we are going to talk about mental health for all and how it can affect each and every one of us.

Listen to this episode now

2. MHST: International Day of Podcasts

In this MHST Podcast we are celebrating International Podcast Day! We are thinking about what we enjoy about podcasts and why we enjoy creating our own. We have learnt a lot about podcasts over the last year and share some of our outtakes and “bloopers”!

Listen to this episode now

1. MHST: Suicide Prevention Day - 10 September 2021

This week the Mental Health Support Team would like to raise awareness of World Suicide Prevention Day on Friday 10th September. Join us as we discuss this year’s theme ‘Creating Hope Through Action’ and what we can do in order to create a sense of hope for ourselves and others. Whilst suicide can be a difficult topic to discuss, we want to highlight the importance of raising awareness and encouraging people to seek support if they are struggling. Please note that this podcast has been created for Secondary School age students and above.

Listen to this episode now


Season 1

MHST: Introduction podcast

We know last year has been extremely difficult for everyone, so we the Mental Health Support Team (MHST) have continued to work hard to find creative ways to reach out to the children and young people that we work with.

The MHST is part of Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust which is the mental health and learning disability trust in Lincolnshire. We have created an exciting new podcast for children and young people, which will include hints and tips on promoting positive mental health and different ways to get involved with our monthly awareness topics. 

We hope you enjoy listening to our podcasts and we can’t wait to hear what you think!

Listen to this episode now 


MHST: Party podcast special

Join us to celebrate the launch of our new service! 

MHST is now working as a live mental health service in schools to support children and young people with their mental health.  Meet the team and hear about our party tricks!

Listen to this episode now 


MHST: How to be smart about our New Year's resolutions

As January is coming to an end, how have you been doing with your New Year's resolutions? Join us as we chat about our own resolutions and how we have been keeping on top of them.

Listen to our top tips, like breaking your goals down into small manageable and measurable tasks!

Listen to this episode now


MHST: Time to Talk

Join us to chat about the national campaign, Time to Talk, featuring our special guests from the peer support team.

Listen to this episode now


MHST: How to show yourself some self-love

Do you need to show yourself some self-love? Join us to hear how we keep on top of managing our own wellbeing and see if you can take any tips to try at home.

Listen to this episode now


MHST: Health and nutrition

Does health and nutrition seem to be an extra pressure in your daily life? It doesn’t have to be that way! Check out this podcast for easy and fun ways to stay on top of your health and nutrition.

Listen to this episode now


MHST: Top tips on getting extra Zzzz

Do you crave getting those eight hours a night? Check out our podcast for useful hints and tips, and say goodbye to counting those sheep at night.

Listen to this episode now


MHST: Stress busters

Stress is a normal reaction to daily life pressures, however you are not on our own with dealing with stress. Join us to chat about ways that we ‘deal’ with stress!

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MHST: World Book Night

Let’s get lost in a story, join us to chat about this national event and how books can have a positive effect on our mental health and wellbeing. We will also discuss the benefits of journaling!

Listen to this episode now


MHST: Mental Health Awareness Week

Join us to celebrate mental health awareness week! As this year’s theme is nature and the environment, we thought we would talk about how we can use our environment to support with our mental health and wellbeing.

Listen to this episode now


MHST: Walk to School Week 17-21 May

Walk to School Week is a really good time to start walking to school a bit more to help improve both our physical and mental health. Join us to talk about the benefits that walking can have on our mental health and helpful hints and tips on what you could do instead if walking isn’t your thing.

Listen to this episode now


MHST: Carers Week 7-13 June

Join us to talk about Carers Week with our special guests from Young Carers, sharing useful information and helpful hints. We will also discuss the support available for young carers in Lincolnshire.

Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face, and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. It also helps people who don’t think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support.

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MHST: Loneliness Week 14-18 June

Join us to talk about Loneliness Awareness Week to raise awareness of feeling alone. Within this podcast we talk about how loneliness can be different for everyone and can influence our mental health. We will also include some useful hints and tips on how to combat loneliness.

Listen to this episode now


MHST: Mental health over the summer

Join us to talk about how to keep ourselves well over the summer holidays. We know when schools and colleges break up, it is easy to get out of a routine! Listen to our podcast for tips and ideas to stay connected and look after our mental health.

Listen to this episode now


MHST: International Day of Friendship (30 July)

Join us to talk about International Day of Friendship to celebrate, appreciate and promote friendships from all backgrounds. We know how much friendship can impact on our mental health both in a positive and negative way, and that the summer holidays can often impact our friendships whether we see our friends more or less.

Listen to this episode now


MHST: Top tips for parents and carers to support child mental health and wellbeing over the summer

Join us to talk about supporting your child’s mental health and wellbeing over the summer. The MHST invited two very special guests, parent peer support workers, Carla and Janet, to share useful hints and tips to support parents/carers over the summer break.

Listen to this episode now


MHST: Getting back to school

Join us this week to talk about the return to school in September after the summer holidays. Returning to school may affect children and young people differently. In this podcast, we talk about how going back to school may feel and some of the changes we might experience. Listen out for our tips that may help you if you are feeling worried or anxious.

Listen to this episode now