Who are we?
We provide support and treatment for children, young people and their families, who are experiencing emotional wellbeing difficulties. We support children and young people up to 19 years old. If they have a special educational need or disability or are a care leaver we can see them up to the age of 25.
Everyone at some point might find it hard to cope with how they are feeling or what is happening in their life. Healthy Minds Lincolnshire provides early support when your child starts to feel that life is getting out of control and they need some help to cope.
Our teams are made up of a variety of professionals. All staff are referred to as Healthy Minds Practitioners and have a nursing, social work, counsellor, teaching, or mental health background.
We can help your child with:
- Exam stress
- Worries
- Interpersonal Skills
- Low mood
- Low self-esteem
- Low body confidence
- Coping with change
- Self-harm
If your child would like support please speak to their teacher, GP or call our Lincolnshire Here4You advice line. If your child is under 16 we will usually need to speak to a parent or carer.
What we offer
The support we offer is based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques, which are designed to help your child think about things differently and learn to cope in a more positive way.
We can support your child by:
- Directing your child to use self-help
- Workshops delivered online or at school to small groups of children or young people as a one off session
- Virtual groups delivered to a small number of young people.
- One to one sessions with a Practitioner. These are typically delivered virtually within a school or community setting.
What is emotional wellbeing?
Emotional wellbeing is about being happy, confident, having good relationships and being able to cope with everyday events.

Relaxation/ breathing exercises (videos)
Check out the following videos developed by our Healthy Minds Lincolnshire service talking you through different relaxation exercises
Online Workshops
Our service has created a range of online workshops to be completed from the comfort of your own home. These workshops are designed to provide children/young people and their families with the opportunity to learn new strategies to help manage a variety of emotional wellbeing concerns.
We currently have the following workshops available:
- Survival guide to change workshop
- Managing worries and anxious feelings workshop
- Managing angry feelings workshop
- Parents supporting children with anxiety and additional needs 2 part workshop
- Staying Emotionally Healthy Workshop (Primary)
- Staying Emotionally Healthy Workshop (Secondary)
- Building Positive Self-esteem Workshop .
You can access these via our 'Online Workshops' page.
Our service has created a range of virtual emotional wellbeing groups which you/ your child could completed from your school or home. These groups are designed to provide you with the opportunity to learn new strategies to help manage a variety of emotional wellbeing concerns.
If you attend our parent group, you will have the opportunity to meet other parents supporting their children through similar emotional wellbeing concerns.
If your child attends one of our groups, you will be invited to a parent and carer session to explore the session content.
We currently have the following groups available:
- Fears and Worries (Parent/Carer Group)
- Good Mental Wellbeing (Parent/Carer Group)
- Supporting your Child to Thrive (Parent/Carer Group)
If you have more questions about our Healthy Minds Lincolnshire service, including how we involve parent and carers, then please take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page for parents and carers.
Parent feedback
“The workshop has given me great insight and has helped me loads.”
“I have learnt new techniques that I haven’t used before. Different approaches to use in the future.”
“I enjoyed being able to discuss and understand our own and our child’s emotional needs and hope to put strategies into place.”
“Very relaxed environment.”