Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

CAMHS stands for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. We provide support and treatment for children, young people and their families who are experiencing mental health difficulties. We support children and young people aged 0-18 (24 if they have been in the care system) who are experiencing psychological distress and need support with their mental health.

The CAMHS team includes mental health nurses, social workers, assistant practitioners, psychologists, consultant psychiatrists, peer support workers and administrators.

Accessing CAMHS 

Lincolnshire have a range of services that can support young people’s emotional or mental health. To ensure that the right service is offered our Access Team review all referrals and staff the Lincolnshire Here4You Line. In Lincolnshire, you can 'self-refer' to children and young people’s (CYP) services. This means that if your child is struggling with their emotional or mental health, you or  your child can self-refer directly to our services, without going to school or GP.

Lincolnshire Here4You Line Telephone 0800 234 6342 
The Here4You line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for advice. However we are only able to take self referrals between 9am to 4.30pm.

What we can help with

If a referral to CAMHS has been accepted, you and your child will be invited to an assessment appointment. To learn more about what happens in this appointment, check out our My First Appointment page.

If it is agreed in this appointment that CAMHS is the right service to help, your clinican will discuss treatment options with you. CAMHS offers a wide range of evidence based treatments for a variety of conditions and presentations. These pathways are informed by NICE guidelines, ensuring we are providing the safest, most effective treatment possible. Treatment Pathways include

  • Depression
  • General anxiety
  • Specific anxiety (such as obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety)
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Self-harm
  • Attachment disorder
  • Harmful sexual behaviour

Visit our jargon buster page to learn more about these different therapies and other regularly used terms in our services.

Our bases

Details of where we are based and clinics are available on our Contact Us page

Our therapy groups for parents

Our groups are not a parenting course. We are not here to dictate or judge how you bring up your child or children.

When this intervention is suggested, most parents want to know why we are not working directly with the child. Research suggests that for some presentations it is more beneficial for us to work with parents than directly with the child themselves. We want to empower you by teaching you skills to support your child needs and act as a co-therapist.

One of the benefits of being in a group with other parents is the shared experience and the opportunity to learn from each other. We aim to help you feel supported and understood, with plenty of time for discussion.

The most useful part of the group was the interaction and discussion between all members of that group and this transfer of best practice for individual situations, also the space given to think up new strategies together.”


“Genuinely all of the group was extremely useful, particularly speaking to other parents going through the same emotions and similar experiences.


Core CAMHS Team

Core CAMHS is a team of trained Mental Health Practitioners and Assistant Practitioners from various clinical backgrounds including:

  • Mental Health Nurses
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists.

This is the team you would usually see on your first visit to CAMHS.This team works with children, young people, parents & carers to assess the mental health of children and adolescents who have been identified as potentially having moderate to severe mental health needs.

Visit our my first appointment page. to learn more about what to expect on your first visit to CAMHS. 

CAMHS Crisis and Enhanced Treatment Teams (CCETT)

The CAMHS Crisis and Enhanced Treatment Teams (CCETT) are based in Lincoln and Boston and cover the whole county.

The staff members in the teams are social workers and nurses by background. They aim to support young people in a mental health crisis through providing assessment and intensive home treatment. This includes supporting young people experiencing thoughts of suicide and engaging in significant self harming behaviours. 

By working with young people and their families and carers, we aim to avoid hospital admission wherever possible by providing intensive support in the home environment.  We know from extensive research this provides better outcomes for young people.

Our working hours are:

8.45am to 7pm (7 days a week)

7pm to 8.45am (out of hours triage service to repond to A&E, police or ambulance services)

This is to provide support and advice around mental health presentations to these services. We aim to see all young people appropriate for the service within 72 hours. 

We are able to offer intensive, evidence based, short term support (i.e. up to eight weeks) to manage risk and prevent deterioration via:

  • group work
  • 1:1 therapy (CBT, DBT, EMDR and Animal Assisted).

Young people can access our service via GPs and social workers directly or can make a CAMHS self-referral:

9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

If a young person does not meet the criteria for our team, we will signpost to a more appropriate service (within LPFT or otherwise).

CAMHS Eating Disorder Team

This team works with children and young people presenting with an eating disorder such as Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia.

Download our CAMHS Eating Disorder leaflet

First Steps ED - Skills for Carers Workshops

Our eating disorders service is working with First Steps ED, a leading eating disorder charity, to provide ‘Skills for Carers Workshops’ for parents, carers or loved ones of someone with disordered eating.

The ‘Skills for Carers’ course is a four-week course for parents, partners and siblings who wish to understand their role in a loved one’s recovery.

Each session will offer practical tips and information to help loved ones develop self-reflective and care-giving skills to help support a loved one.

Workshops are available monthly, and sessions run for 90 minutes each week over Microsoft Teams.

People can self-refer or be referred directly by our Adult Eating Disorders Service or CAMHS Eating Disorders Service.

To self-refer, visit

For more support and resources, visit

CAMHS Harmful Behaviour Service

The CAMHS Harmful Behaviour Service works with children and young people (up to the age of 18 years old) displaying sexual behaviour that is causing concern, and which falls outside behaviour considered developmentally appropriate for a child or young person of that age.  The Brook Traffic Light Tool is a good starting point for considering whether a sexual behaviour being displayed is of concern

The Harmful Behaviour Service provides:

  • professional advice
  • assessments using the Assess Intervene and Move on (AIM) model with trained assessors
  • evidence based interventions.  

The CAMHS Harmful Behaviour Service works with:

  • children
  • young people
  • families and carers
  • professionals

to offer a coordinated approach to reduce levels of risk and vulnerability to self and others. The service is informed by Safeguarding Children guidance and the Signs of Safety model used within Lincolnshire Children’s Services. 

For further information around sexual behaviour concerns in children and young people, please visit the following sites

CAMHS Learning Disabilities Team

Click here to visit our CAMHS Learning Disability page.