Healthy Minds Lincolnshire

Who are we?

Healthy Minds Lincolnshire provide emotional wellbeing support for children and young people up to 19 years old (25 years old if they have special educational needs or a disability or are leaving care). 

Emotional wellbeing is about being happy, confident and having good relationships. 

Evidence tells us that early intervention, when issues arise, helps to prevent mental health problems developing in the future. Our service is focused on providing children and young people with early interventions to prevent emotional wellbeing worries escalating into mental health concerns.

We use evidence based interventions that promote resilience, normalise emotions and teach positive coping mechanisms. 

Healthy Minds Lincolnshire is being delivered by Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust through a partnership agreement led by Lincolnshire County Council.

What do we offer?

Children and young people

We will provide evidence based brief interventions. This will be offered as either:

  • self help
  • workshops
  • groups
  • one to one sessions.

Vulnerable children and young people will be given priority.

Parents and carers

We will offer support and advice to parents and carers, as part of your child or young person's sessions. We also offer online workshops and groups.

An offer of a parent group may be discussed with them if their child's referral has been accepted into the service. 


We will support education and Children’s Services professionals by providing training. The training is designed to build confidence in dealing with emotional wellbeing issues and providing a Toolkit to support children and young people’s needs. Upcoming training dates for Education providers and Children’s Services will be advertised via LCC. 

Clinical Supervision for Education Staff

Healthy Minds Lincolnshire and Mental Health Support Teams provide free clinical supervision to education settings. Virtual meetings, led by Healthy Minds and MHST, provide space for:

  • clinical case discussions
  • exploration of the whole school approach
  • discussion of “topic of the month”.

For more information on clinical supervisions or if you would like to join a clinical supervision cohort please email your clinical lead practitioner. Alternatively contact:

Lincoln & West Lindsey Telephone 01522 421699

North & South Kesteven Telephone 01476 858277

Boston & South Holland Telephone 01205 446949

East Lindsey Telephone 01522 307366

Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA)

This is a Lincolnshire County Council pathway designed to support pupils in Lincolnshire to attend school when they may be experiencing emotional wellbeing difficulties.  It is the responsibility of school professionals to undertake steps one to three of the EBSA ladder prior to contacting Healthy Minds Lincolnshire (HML) or Mental Health Support Teams (MHST). 

If the decision is then made that HML or MHST support is required, then school can contact their HML Clinical Lead Practitioner or MHST Link Practitioner on the numbers below or email requesting EBSA consultation.  Schools may wish to request HML or MHST attendance at the first review, or a later review, dependent on the progress made.

Healthy Minds Lincolnshire

Lincoln & West Lindsey:  Telephone 01522 421699

North & South Kesteven: Telephone 01476 858277

Boston & South Holland: Telephone 01205 446949

East Lindsey: Telephone 01522 307366

Mental Health Support Team (MHST)

Lincoln and Gainsborough: Telephone 01522 707474

Boston and Skegness : Telephone 01205 333531

HML or MHST will attend one PSP meeting to review the plan so far and make suggestions as to how this may be strengthened.  If further support is required after this, school should continue to follow the EBSA ladder.

If the child or young person is already receiving support from HML, CAMHS or MHST, a discussion will need to take place with the allocated Practitioner regarding EBSA.

Referral criteria

Healthy Minds Lincolnshire is a free service. We will support all Lincolnshire children and young people up to the age of 19 years (25 years if they have special educational needs or a disability or are leaving care) if they meet the following criteria:

  • The child attends a state or academy school in Lincolnshire, or
  • If they are ordinary resident in Lincolnshire

The service will offer support to parents and carers whose children meet the eligibility criteria above.

Priority will be given to vulnerable groups of children and young people.

Lincolnshire Here4You Line

If you are unsure if our Children and Young People's Services could help a young person you are supporting and would like to speak to a mental health practitioner, contact our Access Team via the Lincolnshire Here4You line:

Telephone 0800 234 6342

Advice will be available to professionals, young people and parents which is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. 

Referrals can be taken from young people, parents and carers Monday to Friday 9am to 4.45pm. 

If you have more questions about our service, check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page 
