Wellbeing for Education Return Resource Hub

What is Wellbeing for Education Return?

The Wellbeing for Education Return (WfER) is a new package of training and resources funded by the Department of Education and Department for Health and Social Care. The training has been developed in close collaboration with Health Education England, Public Health England, and NHS England and Improvement. In Lincolnshire, this training will be led by Healthy Minds Lincolnshire in conjunction with partner services; Caring2Learn, the Working Together Team, Behavioural Outreach Support Service (BOSS), Mobilise and Kooth.

Why is it Being Offered?

To support education staff to promote mental wellbeing and resilience in children/young people, teachers and parents/carers following the impact of COVID-19. The aim of this is to prevent as many individuals as possible from developing mental health difficulties and ensuring those with pre-existing or emerging difficulties access the right support.

The linked document contains FAQ's and further information about the Wellbeing for Education Return Project from the HM Government and Anna Freud. 

All project updates and resources will be posted on this website.

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WfER Webinar 1 - The Whole School Approach to Wellbeing

Webinar 1 explores how education settings can build a whole school approach to recovery and wellbeing following the impact of COVID-19. The training covers; what is recovery and resilience, how to implement a graduated response to wellbeing within the school environment and explores actions to promote wellbeing in Children/Young People, Staff and the wider community. 

Below you can access a recording of webinar 1 and resources to support the implementation of this training within your education setting. 

WfER Webinar 2 - Identifying Concerns and Supporting Recovery in Children and Young People

Webinar 2 focuses on supporting recovery in Children and Young People following the COVID-19 pandemic. The training covers; how to identifying Emotional Wellbeing concerns in Children and Young People and aims to increase understanding of the following concerns; Anxiety, Low Mood, Stress, Trauma and Bereavement.

Below you can access a recording of webinar 2 and resources to support the implementation of this training within your education setting. 


If you have attended one of our WfER Webinars we would really appreciaite your feedback on the training and how our services can continue to support education settings in Lincolnshire following the impact of COVID-19.

Click here to complete the Wellbeing for Education Return feedback form.