Health Based Place of Safety Involvement Opportunity

Situated at the Peter Hodgkinson Centre, Lincoln the Health Based Place of Safety (formerly known as 136 Suite) is a place of safety for persons detained under section 136 of the mental Health Act. Patients are supported by the suite staff whilst a mental health act assessment is undertaken and any necessary arrangements made for on-going care.

We are currently looking at a quality improvement piece of work to improve our patients’ experience when they are detained to the Health Based Place of Safety (HBPoS) / 136 Suite.

We would like to talk with our patients, carers and/or family members of people who have experience of staying in our HBPoS / 136 Suite about their experiences, the environment and the care and treatment they received.

We would like to invite you to have a conversation with us, we would very much appreciate your feedback and comments to develop these services, your voice is essential in ensuring we deliver the best quality of care for our patients.

If you would like to discuss your experiences please contact is via email or telephone 07773 206341 and we can arrange the most convenient time and way to talk with you.