Council of Governors

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Every foundation trust has a Council of Governors whose main purpose is to represent the views and opinions of the organisation's members.

Governors stand for a term of three years and can stand for re-election on two more occasions. Governors are made up of those elected by members and those appointed by our partner organisations including:

  • Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board (ICB)
  • Lincolnshire County Council
  • Healthwatch
  • University of Lincoln
  • Shine Lincolnshire
  • LPFT volunteers

Governors work with the Board of Directors (which is legally responsible for our day-to-day running and strategic development) and agree what needs to be done to meet the needs of the community.

The Council of Governors link the Board of Directors to our membership and community.

Below you will find a list of our current Council of Governors.







Public constituency                

Marlene Fullwood.png

Alexandra Chambers.png

Emma Slack.png

Carole Hagan.png

Jonathan Sibley.png

Debbie Abrams.png

Awaiting Election

David Docherty.png

Marlene Fullwood - Borough of Boston Alexandra Chambers - City of Lincoln Emma Slack - East Lindsey Carole Hagan - North Kesteven Jonathan Sibley - South Holland Debbie Abrams - South Kesteven (Lead Governor) Vacant - Rest of England David Docherty - West Lindsey  
Service user and carer constituency                

Rebecca Mezzo.png

Michael Regan.png

Alice Barton.JPG

Awaiting photo Awaiting election Awaiting election Awaiting election    
Rebecca Mezzo - Service user (Deputy Lead Governor) Michael Regan - Service user Alice Barton - Service user Alexander James Eccersley - Service user Vacant - Service user Vacant - Service user Vacant - Service user    

Awaiting election

Diane Fox.png

Sally Spencer.png

Awaiting election

Vacant - General carer Diane Fox - General carer Sally Spencer - General carer Vacant - Young people carer          
Staff constituency                

Helen Smith 1.JPG

Screenshot 2024-05-01 113556.png

Dan Fleshbourne 2.JPG

Andy Leaston.png

Laura Suffield.png


Lisa Norris.png

Jacky Tyson.png

Olivia Taylor grey.png
Helen Smith - Adult inpatient services Debbie Judge - Adult inpatient services Dan Fleshbourne - Adult community services Andrew Leaston - Adult community services Laura Suffield - Corporate services Ana Iosifescu - Specialist services Lisa Norris - Specialist services Jacky Tyson - Older adult and Frailty services Olivia Taylor - Older adult and Frailty services
Stakeholder constituency                
Pete Burnett.png Chris Davison.jpg

Cllr Colin Matthews.png

Cllr Rob Kendrick.png

Awaiting nomination Rachel Wright.png Lesley Gratrix.png Awaiting photo  
Pete Burnett - Integrated Care Board in Lincolnshire Chris Davison -  ACC Lincolnshire Police Cllr Colin Matthews - Lincolnshire County Council Cllr Robert Kendrick - Lincolnshire County Council Vacant - LPFT volunteers Rachel Wright - Shine Lincolnshire Lesley Gratrix - University of Lincoln Colin Warren - Healthwatch Lincolnshire  


What do Governors do?

Governors have very important roles and undertake a range of functions through committees, task groups and workshops. They:

  • represent the interests and views of local people and raise members' concerns
  • attend meetings (currently a minimum of three per year)
  • are ambassadors for the Trust and can be involved in visits to Trust sites, meeting service users and staff
  • agree our future by providing views to the Board of Directors on what sort of organisation we will be and what sort of services we will provide
  • appoint or remove our Chair and other Non-Executive Directors and approve the appointment of our Chief Executive
  • scrutinise our performance to ensure that agreed plans are carried out properly
  • receive annual reports and accounts
  • appoint the Trust's external auditors

The Chair of the Council of Governors is also the Chair of the Board of Directors.

How do I contact a Governor?

You can contact a governor to ask a question or raise any issue by using our online contact form.

If you are interested in standing to become a Governor

Governors are not paid - the position is voluntary. However, all expenses incurred attending meetings and/or events are paid - such as mileage allowances or public transport costs.

Find out more about the latest Governor Elections and how to stand. 

Governors must be members of Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust to stand in elections.

How to become a member. 

Council of Governors' meetings

The Council of Governors meet four times per year.

View details of the next meeting, agendas, minutes and papers for previous meetings.

Related Links

Contact details


Membership office
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
St George's

Telephone numbers

Telephone 01522 309176

Telephone 01522 309202

Email address

Useful documents

Council of Governors' Declarations of Interest

Governors’ Responsibilities and Code of Conduct