What we do

Apart from some very specialist services which can only be provided by other organisations outside our area, we provide the full range of mental health services, as well as support for people with learning disabilities and autistic people.

Our services across Lincolnshire include:

  • Talking therapies for mild to moderate common mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. This is provided through our Lincolnshire Talking Therapies service.
  • Community services for people of all ages who are recovering from severe or long term mental illness.
  • Crisis resolution and home treatment for when someone becomes unwell and needs support. This is to prevent them requiring hospital admission.
  • Mental health inpatient care for people experiencing a severe, short term episode of mental illness.
  • Mental health rehabilitation supporting people with severe or long term mental health problems who require support in returning to the community to live independently.
  • More specialist services, including learning disabilities support and some social care, for adults, children, families and older people.
  • Specialist psychological therapies.


Our work is increasingly community based and we provide people with a wide variety of mental health, learning disability and social care services. We work in close partnership with colleagues in:

  • local councils
  • GPs
  • charitable and voluntary organisations

 as well as regularly working with 

  • services users
  • carers and their representatives.

Facts about us

  • We operate from around 50 sites providing services in:
    • Lincolnshire to a population of 768,436 across a large rural and coastal area.
  • We have locally based community mental health teams and a number of other specialist and crisis and home treatment services.
  • We have approx 200 inpatient beds. The majority of these are on our main sites in Lincoln, Grantham and Boston.
  • We employ around 2,700 staff.
  • Our annual budget is over £160 million.

In October 2007 we became an NHS foundation trust. We were the first NHS mental health organisation to become a foundation trust in the East Midlands. Being a foundation trust means we do not report directly to the Department of Health. Instead, we report to an independent body called NHS Improvement which has a legal duty to:

  • hold us to account
  • oversee our performance
  • approve some of the things we want to do.

The most important part of being a foundation trust is that it brings us closer to the people who matter most - you. We want:

  • local people
  • service users
  • carers
  • those who support and represent you

to have much more say over how we go about planning and delivering services.

As well as our Governors who are all lay people, we have around 9,000 members of our Trust drawn from the local community and our own staff.

Contact details

Chief Executive's office
Lincolnshire Partnership NHSFoundation Trust
Trust Headquarters
St George's
Long Leys Road

Telephone: 01522 309200

Email LPFT.chiefexec@nhs.net

Related links

Useful websites