Our governors

Every foundation trust has a Council of Governors whose main purpose is to represent the views and opinions of the organisation's members, as well as the public.

Governors stand for a term of up to three years and can stand for re election on two more occasions.

They are elected by members or appointed by our partner organisations including:

  • Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board (ICB)
  • Lincolnshire County Council
  • University of Lincoln
  • Lincolnshire Police
  • Shine Lincolnshire
  • Healthwatch Lincolnshire 
  • LPFT volunteers

Governors work with the Board of Directors (which is legally responsible for our day-to-day running and strategic development) and agree upon actions in order to to meet the needs of the community.

The Council of Governors link the Board of Directors to the membership and community.

The Chairman of the Council of Governors is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Any person wishing to become a Governor for LPFT must first be a member of the Trust.

Below you can watch a video from Carole Hagan explaining more about her role as a Governor.

What do governors do?

Governors have very important roles and undertake a range of functions through committees, task groups and workshops. They:

  • represent the interests and views of local people and raise members' and the public's concerns.
  • attend meetings (currently a minimum of three per year).
  • are ambassadors for the Trust and can be involved in visits to Trust sites, meeting service users and staff.
  • agree our future by providing views to the Board of Directors on what sort of organisation we will be and what sort of services we will provide.
  • appoint or remove our Chairman and other non-executive directors and approve the appointment of our Chief Executive. How our governors were involved in recruitment of non-executive directors.
  • scrutinise our performance to ensure that agreed plans are carried out properly.
  • receive annual reports and accounts.
  • appoint the Trust's external auditors.

List of pages

Contact details

Membership team
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Trust Headquarters
St George's Site
Long Leys Road

Telephone: 01522 309176

Email: lpft.governor-member@nhs.net

Related documents

We are aware that the documents on this page may not be accessible for all. We will be creating accessible versions of the documents as they are reviewed however in the meantime, if you need a document we’ve published in a different format, please email lpft.communications@nhs.net or telephone 01522 309194.