How we are performing

We want to ensure that the services we offer you are of the highest quality and focused on your needs, whilst continuing to be safe and the best value for money. Regular feedback received through on-going evaluations and surveys is very important.


Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. They make sure that care in hospitals, dental practices, ambulances, care homes, people’s own homes and elsewhere meet national standards of quality and safety – the standards anyone should expect whenever or wherever they receive care.  The CQC also protect the interests of vulnerable people, including those whose rights are restricted under the Mental Health Act.

Trust's compliance against CQC standards

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published its report following the comprehensive inspection of Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust services in 2018, which praised staff for their caring and compassionate approach to patient care.

Overall, the Trust was rated as Good and Outstanding for Well-led, with our Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service rated as Outstanding.

During an inspection, the CQC asked people about their experiences of care, talked to care staff, and checked that the right systems and processes were in place. They then rated our services and whether the CQC's five Key Lines of Enquiry: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, and Well-led, are being met or not and published their findings on their website


National NHS Patient Survey

The NHS national patient survey programme has been established as a result of the government’s commitment to ensuring that everyone has a real say in how NHS services are planned and developed. All NHS trusts in England are legally required to carry out local surveys asking people their views on their recent health care experience. They provide each organisation with detailed feedback on the standards of its service and care which goes some way in helping to set priorities for delivering a better service. 

Go to to find out what people have said about our services

NHS Improvement - Annual Quality Report and Compliance Framework

All foundation trusts are regulated by NHS Improvement and are required to produce and submit an annual quality account to detail:

  • What the organisation has done well
  • Where improvements in service quality are still required
  • What the priorities for improvements are for the coming year and what the trust is aiming to achieve
  • How service users, staff and others with an interest in the organisation have been involved in determining these priorities

Click here to read our most recent Quality Report

As part of the Trust's continuing compliance with its authorisation to be a foundation trust, it has to meet certain standards and targets as part of the governance framework. 

Click here to view quarterly performance provider sector report by NHS Improvement

Useful contacts

Compliance lead
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Unit 9, The Point
Lions Way
Sleaford NG34 8GG
Tel: 01529 222395

Useful websites