Routes into an LPFT career
Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation NHS Trust (LPFT) has a number of different employment and career entry routes available. Some routes may be more suitable for you than others. This may depend on your knowledge, skills and experiences. LPFT aims to provide flexible career options.
Please read each of the routes listed below to see which would be best for you.
Apprenticeships provide employment and access to nationally recognised qualification. LPFT offer apprenticeships in both clinical and non-clinical roles. These roles include Mental Health Nursing, Nursing Associates, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Administration, Data Analysis, and Human Resources. The Apprenticeship study level ranges from Level 2 to Level 7. Apprenticeships help staff to develop professionally and personally.
LPFT has a range of local Apprenticeship partners. These partners include University of Lincoln, Sheffield Hallam University, East Lindsey Technical College, Lincoln College, Stamford College and Steadfast ApprenticeTraining.
You will find any current Apprenticeships advertised on NHS jobs.
Meet Kayna, one of our first Nurse Apprentices. Kayna is now studying for a BSc Mental Health Nursing degree. She is also gaining practical experience through her inpatient and community nursing placements.
Previously, Kayna had previously followed the traditional route of University based nurse training. However, she struggled with both the social and finanical pressures of studying away from home. Our apprenticeship removed these worries. Kayna is now working towards a career in her dream profession.
She said: “My grandma was a nurse and I have always wanted to follow in her footsteps, but after my experience at university, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to.
“The apprenticeship provides me with the perfect balance of being paid for the work I do and also covers the cost of studying for my degree.
“The staff at LPFT have been incredibly supportive. I have learnt so much already and I can’t wait to see how my career unfolds.”
Bank working
Bank Staff are employees contracted as casual workers. They provide temporary support in all areas. Bank staff are employed on inpatient wards, corporate departments, and community services. Bank Staff are a vital component in delivering and maintaining high standards of patient care. Bank staff enable services to function safely despite human resource issues or sudden excessive demand.
Bank staff are required in both clinical and non-clinical roles. These roles include Health Care Support Workers, Registered Nurses, Housekeepers, Administrators, Physiotherapists, Counsellors and Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners.
If you wish to join the Bank Staff, please check NHS jobs for any current advertised roles. For further information of Bank work, please contact the Bank Staffing Unit via email lpft.
Partnerships with Universities
We work with universities to provide essential professional development for clinical staff. Staff are able to access Mental Health Nurse and Allied Health Professional training via the University of Lincoln. LPFT offers placements to students, throughout their studies, in a variety of inpatient and community settings across Lincolnshire. Access to medical training is now available from the new Lincoln Medical School.
For more information and details of the courses available in nursing, allied health professions, psychology and pharmacy, please read the Health and Health Science page on the University of Lincoln website. For information regarding medical training please read the Lincoln Medical School page on the University of Lincoln website.
Peer support workers
Peer Support Workers are members of staff with lived experience of mental health difficulties. A Peer Support Worker will use their personal experiences and insight to support patients. Peer Support Workers help to ‘bridge the gap’ between patient and clinicians. By their own example, a Peer Support Worker can aid a patient's recovery by inspiring the belief that recovery is possible.
Peer Support Workers provide formalised peer support and practical assistance to patients. They help patients to regain control and understanding of their health condition. As well as assisting them to develop their own unique recovery process.
For more information please read ‘A day in the life of a Peer Support Worker’ and Peer Support Roles.
Peer Support Worker roles are advertised on NHS Jobs. We recommend checking regularly for the latest available roles.
Volunteers are crucial to LPFT’s delivery of patient care across Lincolnshire.
Volunteering can help you to develop personally and professionally in a number of ways. It will help you gain valuable work experience, meet new people and learn new skills. Being a Volunteer provides a sense of satisfaction in being able to give something back to the community. Our Volunteers come from all walks of life. As a Trust, we greatly value to variety of skills and knowledge Volunteers bring.
Previous experience of healthcare is not always necessary, but Volunteers must be aged 18 and over. Currently our recruitment is on hold due to the Coronavirus pandemic. However, we are still accepting and processing applications.
Please read our Volunteering guide on "Get Involve" page of our website.
Work experience
We currently work in collaboration with United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (ULHT) and Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) to offer work experience opportunities. All work experience placements are now facilitated by our partner, ULHT, under the logo of the Talent Academy.
You can view our dedicated work experience webpage and find the latest work experience opportunities on the Lincolnshire Talent Academy’s website.
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