Suicide SAFE and Suicide Prevention Strategy

Every suicide is both an individual tragedy and terrible loss to society. Suicides are not inevitable and central to any prevention work is the maintenance of hope for potentially vulnerable individuals. Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT) intends to work in partnership with other agencies to ensure that vulnerable individuals in their care and those at times of crisis are supported and kept safe from preventable harm.

Our prevention strategy is based on the key policy documents and current research on suicide and suicide prevention. This Strategy’s main focus is upon reducing the risk of suicide in those individuals known to LPFT services; however we acknowledge that because suicide is such a complex behaviour with a number of underlying causes, approaches to prevention must be wide-ranging.

We are therefore mindful of the need for collaborative working with other statutory organisations, third sector providers,service users/patients and their friends and families and will ensure that the LPFT Suicide Prevention Strategy aligns with the wider Lincolnshire Strategy. 

The Six Action Areas

  1. Reduce the risk of suicide in key high-risk groups
  2. Tailor approaches to improve mental health in specific groups
  3. Reduce access to the means of suicide
  4. Provide better information and support to those bereaved or affected by suicide
  5. Support the media in delivering sensitive approaches to suicide and suicidal behaviour
  6. Support research, data collection and monitoring.

Find out more about Lincolnshire Suicide SAFE campaign.


Bereavement support

Amparo is the suicide liaison service operational across Lincolnshire offering timely support following a suspected suicide.

The aim of the service is to reduce the risk for those affected by suicide at any time by offering timely and practical information and guidance following a sudden bereavement. Amparo works with individuals, families and communities. 

The service provides:     

  • One to one support and Advocacy from an Amparo Liaison Worker  
  • Information, emotional and practical support 
  • Practical support dealing with Police and other agencies 
  • Support at Inquest 
  • Help with any media enquiries 
  • Help overcoming any feelings of isolation  
  • Referrals and signposting to other services as required. 
  • Counselling if required 

Amparo is free of charge and does not have a waiting list. To refer a person who has been affected by suicide into Amparo, please contact the team via the following channels: 03330 088 9255 /