
How do I find what I need to know?

The Trust publishes all of its policies on this website. The list of policies below are links which will open each document.

Within each policy, the index page is a set of hyperlinks that take you directly to the section you require. You can click into any policy and right click anywhere in the document to open “find”. Type in the word you want to look for and the search tool will take you to every place in the policy in which that word is mentioned.

The policies contain links. These will take staff to the forms, leaflets and posters that they may need to deliver effective patient care.

We are aware that the documents on this page may not be accessible for all. We will be creating accessible versions of the documents as they are reviewed however in the meantime, if you need a document we’ve published in a different format, please email lpft.communications@nhs.net or call 01522 309194


Thumbnail Title Size
PDF file icon 1. Clinical Care Policy 10.58 MB
PDF file icon 2a Medicines Management Policy 0.47 MB
PDF file icon 2b Medical Devices Policy 0.46 MB
PDF file icon 3. Human Resources and Workforce Development Policy Handbook 1.44 MB
PDF file icon 3a Conduct & Capability Procedure for Medical Staff 0.34 MB
PDF file icon 3b Code of Conduct for Private Practice by Medical Staff 0.31 MB
PDF file icon 3c Staff Experiencing Domestic Abuse Policy 0.24 MB
PDF file icon 3d Fit and Proper Person Policy 0.64 MB
PDF file icon 4 Health and Safety and Fire Policy 0.35 MB
PDF file icon 4a Fire Safety Policy 0.45 MB
PDF file icon 5a Board Assurance and Escalation Framework 0.42 MB
PDF file icon 5b Reporting and Management of Risk Policy 0.73 MB
PDF file icon 5c Duty of Candour Policy 0.57 MB
PDF file icon 5d Freedom to Speak Up Policy 0.54 MB
PDF file icon 5e Counter Fraud, Bribery and Corruption and Code of Conduct Policy Handbook 0.67 MB
PDF file icon 5f Learning from Deaths Policy 0.30 MB
PDF file icon 5g Clinical Audit Policy and Procedures 0.37 MB
PDF file icon 5h NICE Policy and Procedures 0.49 MB
PDF file icon 5i Patient Safety Incident Response Policy and Plan - March 2024 0.66 MB
PDF file icon 6a Mental Health Act Policy 3.96 MB
PDF file icon 6a1 Mental Health Act Section 117 Aftercare for Adults Joint Policy 0.32 MB
PDF file icon 6a2 Mental Health Act Section 117 Aftercare Policy for Children and Young People 0.35 MB
PDF file icon 6b Mental Capacity Act including DOLS Policy 1.62 MB
PDF file icon 7a Infection Prevention and Control 0.20 MB
PDF file icon 7b Hand Hygiene 0.57 MB
PDF file icon 7c Outbreak of infection 0.29 MB
PDF file icon 7d Methicillin MRSA 0.50 MB
PDF file icon 7e Management of Clostridium Difficile Infection 1.05 MB
PDF file icon 7f Isolation Policy 0.34 MB
PDF file icon 7g Decontamination 0.89 MB
PDF file icon 7h Surveillance of Alert Organisms and Dissemination of Information 0.42 MB
PDF file icon 7i Safe Management of Sharps and Avoidance of Occupational Exposure to Blood Borne Viruses 0.75 MB
PDF file icon 7k Aseptic Non Touch Technique 0.38 MB
PDF file icon 7l Scabies Management 0.55 MB
PDF file icon 7m Transfer of Patient with Knownor Suspected Infection 0.25 MB
PDF file icon 7n Correct Use of Personal Protective Equipment in the Healthcare Environment 0.85 MB
PDF file icon 7o Animals in Healthcare Premises Guidance 0.24 MB
PDF file icon 8ab Data Security Information and Records Management Policy 0.60 MB
PDF file icon 8c Digital Systems Use Policy 0.77 MB
PDF file icon 8d Lincolnshire Inter-Agency Information Sharing Protocol 0.82 MB
PDF file icon 9. Involving People Policy 0.54 MB
PDF file icon 10. Trust Resilience Policy 1.22 MB
PDF file icon 11. Safeguarding Policy 1.80 MB
PDF file icon 12. Smoke Free Premises Policy 0.63 MB
PDF file icon 13. Social Media Policy 0.30 MB
PDF file icon Procedure for Trust Documents 0.46 MB

The Trust's corporate documentsstrategiesreports and accounts, as well as a range of information leaflets and service operational protocols can be accessed by clicking the links in this paragraph or via the 'Accessing our information' page.

All of these documents are maintained in accordance with the procedure for corporate documents and policies procedure.