Become a governor
If you are interested in playing an active role as a member of our Trust, you may consider standing as a Governor role within the Council of Governors. To be a Governor you need to nominate yourself as part of our elections period.
The Trust will next host By- elections to fill a variety of seats.
To find out more, visit our Governor Elections page
You must meet the criteria listed in the Trust Constitution in order to be eligible for a Governor position.
If you meet any of the below criteria then you shall be considered as not eligible for post:
- You are under 16 years of age
- You are not a member of LPFT or the relevant class constituency
- You have already fulfilled a Governor role for a period of 9 years
- You have been convicted of an offence in the past 5 years
- You are an immediate family member of a Director or Governor
- You have been dismissed from any paid employment with a Health Service body
- You have been adjudged bankrupt, or your estate has been sequestered
For more information on Governor roles or eligibility, please contact the Governor and Membership team.
Once successfully elected, Governors receive support and training in their roles. Newly elected Governors shall also be required to undertake an enhanced Volunteers' DBS check.
Please note - Governor roles are voluntary and not paid. Expenses in connection with attending meetings can be claimed, e.g. mileage allowances or public transport costs. Transport to meetings can also be arranged if required.
More details on becoming a Governor can be found in our FAQ section.
Contact details
Membership team
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Trust Headquarters
St George's Site
Long Leys Road
Telephone: 01522 309176