People with mental health problems are more likely to smoke, and to smoke more heavily, than the general population. This is one of the reasons that they tend to have poorer physical health and a lower life expectancy. At LPFT our aim is to create a smokefree environment across all of our sites. This is in line with National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance which recommends that all hospital sites, including mental health hospitals, should be 100 per cent smokefree.
There is lots of support available to patients who smoke to help them make the change. This can be to help them stop smoking permanently or for the duration of their appointment or stay with us. If you are a patient on any of our inpatient wards, please speak to any clinical staff member to find out more and be referred to our QUIT programme. Support to stop smoking is available in the community for outpatients, visitors and staff via One You Lincolnshire. This service is available either face-to-face or over the phone for anyone who would like to quit smoking. The service provides support, advice and nicotine replacement for up to 12 weeks.
The use of vapes is allowed in outdoor areas of the Trust. We ask that where patients or visitors wish to use vapes, they do so away from exits and entrances. Vapes are not allowed in any indoor areas
LPFT QUIT programme - treating tobacco dependency
About the programme
Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do to improve your physical and mental health and wellbeing.
The QUIT programme recognises that smoking is an addiction, not a lifestyle choice, and should be treated just like any other disease.
Tobacco dependence is a preventable illness, but we know quitting on your own is hard, which is why we’re here to support you by providing a range of effective treatments.
The QUIT programme will ensure that treatment for tobacco dependence is built into the routine care offered to every inpatient who smokes.
Support includes:
- Free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and other medication to manage withdrawal symptoms and treat tobacco dependency.
- Specialist advice and stop smoking support from Tobacco Dependency Advisors.
- A personal treatment plan whilst on the ward, including support upon discharge, for your care to continue through your local, community stop smoking service.
What to expect
There’s never been a better time to stop smoking. All LPFT sites are smoke-free, which means that you’re not allowed to smoke anywhere on site. Vaping is allowed in outdoor areas.
Through the QUIT Programme, all patients admitted on to one of our wards who smoke will be offered Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), along with specialist advice and support.
NRT, such as nicotine patches, lozenges and inhalators, are highly effective and can help with anxiety and other withdrawal symptoms during your hospital stay. This will be available on all our wards and offered to you free of charge. Vapes are also available through the programme for patients actively making an attempt to stop smoking.
Our specialist Tobacco Dependency Advisors will offer you support and information while you are staying on one of our wards. They will work with you to put a personalised treatment plan in place and will meet with you regularly (minimum of once a week) to discuss your progress and work through any behavioural support you may need such as looking at triggers for why you smoke.
Time to quit?
If you want to get involved with the QUIT programme or to find out more, please speak to any member of the ward team.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What happens when I leave hospital?
Talk to your specialist Tobacco Dependency Advisor about what treatment is right for you when you leave hospital. They can arrange for you to continue to receive specialist support and NRT when you go home.
I declined to join the programme when I was first admitted, but I would now like to take part, can I?
Patients are able to join the programme at any point during their stay on one of our wards. If you have now decided to take part, please speak to a member of staff on your ward.
Contact OneYou Lincolnshire
Self-referrals can be made to OneYou stop smoking service.
Alternatively, self referrals can be made to the One you Lincolnshire Stop Smoking service and they will offer a combination of behavioural support and nicotine replacement products. Referrals can also be made via your GP.
Support is also available through the national smokefree service online or Telephone 0300 123 1044 (free) to speak to an expert adviser.
There are a number of frequently asked questions available on our website to answer any questions you may have about LPFT being Smokefree.
List of pages
Why quit smoking?
Improve your health
Top tips to quit
Smokefree FAQs