Self-care and accessing support
We all need good mental health and wellbeing – it’s essential to living happy healthy lives. Self-care and general lifestyle changes can help us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. They may also help to prevent problems from developing or getting worse and can help us deal with difficult times in the future.
It’s important to remember there isn’t always an instant solution, recovering from mental health problems and maintaining good mental wellbeing takes time and focus. Below are some tips for looking after yourself that you might find helpful.
What can I do to help myself?
Focus on what is in your control
- tell people what helps you and how they can support you
- spot early warning signs, try to be aware of how you're feeling
- keep a mood diary to track what makes you feel better or worse
- be kind to yourself, look after yourself and try to notice the good things
Connect with others
- feeling connected to other people is important,
- spend time with family or friends or find other ways to connect to your community
- try peer support, look for local groups that bring together people who've had similar experiences to support each other
Make time for hobbies and activities you enjoy
- practice relaxing activities, whether that's take a bath, listen to music, walking the dog
- get into nature, either out in parks or countryside, or if you’re not as mobile, caring for plants or animals can give you great natural benefits
Look after your body
- try to get enough sleep and rest when you can
- keep physically active and try regular gentle exercise
- avoid drugs or alcohol, in the long run they'll make you feel worse
- make time for personal care and look after your hygiene
- eat healthily, it really does make a difference
Access mental health support if you need help
Here in Lincolnshire we have a number of ways you can access initial advice or just someone to talk to about problems you may be having.
We now offer two mental health helplines that are here to talk and offer advice and signposting to approriate services or other types of community support.
Adult Mental Health Helpline
In conjunction with Mental Health Matters
Call for free 24 hours a day on 0800 001 4331
The helpline is for adults who are feeling low, anxious or stressed and think that talking to another person may help them cope. The team can also help signpost to other support where necessary.
Here4you advice line
For children, young people and their families
Call for free 24 hours a day on 0800 234 6342
The advice line offers support for young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health. It is available to children, young people, parents, carers and professionals in Lincolnshire.
Our children and young people website also has a wide range of self-help materials that young people and their families may find helpful. Visit by using this link.
Mental Health Adviser helpline
Open 24/7 on 0303 123 4000
Referrals can also be sent to
Telephone helpline offering mental health advice, guidance and signposting to anyone working with people experiencing mental health difficulties, whether you work for statutory, community, third sector or voluntary organisations. The adviser helpline line is staffed by registered mental health practitioners.
Self-refer to Lincolnshire Talking Therapies
Anyone over the age of 16 can self-refer or contact their GP for a referral to our Lincolnshire Talking Therapies service. We offer evidence based talking therapies for problems such as depression, anxiety, post-trauma reaction, panic, phobia and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), as well as a range of online and self-help therapies. Read more about the service and self-refer online by using this link.
This service is for mild to moderate mental health problems and cannot provide an urgent/emergency service.
Carer and relative support
The Trust runs dedicated Carer Support Groups and has a Carer Council which provide help, support and advice to others who care for someone with a mental health problem. Find out more about the carer support available by using this link
Recovery College
People over the age of 16 can access free educational courses on mental health and wellbeing through the Lincolnshire Recovery College. Their courses are designed and delivered by people with lived experience of mental ill health, qualified trainers and health professionals. To read more about the Recovery College and what courses are on offer use this link.
Community support
As well as specialist mental health services, there is also a growing number of community groups and organisations who offer activities or groups to support people's mental wellbeing. Below are a few links to other community sites that you might find helpful to find community groups and activities.
How Are You, Lincolnshire?
How are you, Lincolnshire? (H.A.Y) is an online directory of professional support services and activity groups across Lincolnshire to help people boost their mental health and wellbeing. This includes hobby groups and support networks, access to practical support such as housing and debt advice as well as Night Light Cafes and Community Hubs.
Find out more on the HAY Lincolnshire website
Shine Lincolnshire
Lincolnshire-based charity which aims to support people with poor mental health to live well through accessing a range of support services.
Visit Shine Lincolnshire website by using this link
Offers a directory of groups and services in Lincolnshire for both mental health, physical health or social care.
Visit Connect2Support Lincolnshire by using this link
Hub of Hope
A national directory of groups and services which may support your mental wellbeing.
National mental health charities and information
As well as local advice and support there are also a number of national charities who support people with mental health problems and offer advice and guidance on seeking help. website - Every Mind Matters - range of self care information, tools and resources to look after your mental wellbeing. Visit the website by using this link
Mind - national mental health charity. Visit the Mind website by using this link.
Mental Health Foundation - Visit the Mental Health Foundation website by using this link
Rethink Mental Illness - Visit the Rethink Mental Illness charity website by using this link.
YoungMinds - national charity supporting children and young people with mental helath concerns. Visit the YoungMinds charity website by using this link.
StudentMinds - national student mental health charity. Visit the Student Minds website by using this link.
B-eat eating disorder charity - Visit the B-eat charity website by using this link.
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) - Supporting people struggling with suicide. Visit the CALM website by using this link.
Other self care advice and tips
- Shine Lincolnshire's eight positive steps to mental health. visit their website to read more
- NHS - 5 steps to mental wellbeing, visit their website at by using this link
- Mind - Tips for everyday living. Visit the Charity Mind's website to read more.
- Mental Health Foundation - how to look after your mental health advice is available on the mental health foundation website available by using this link.
How have you been feeling lately?
When it comes to emotions it can sometimes be hard to recognise or admit that we're not feeling 100%.
Take the mood self-assessment quiz below to help you understand better how you've been feeling and to point you in the right direction for helpful advice and information.
Take the mood self-assessment quiz by using this link to the website
Need help now?
If you need urgent help for a mental health crisis or emergency, you should get immediate expert advice and assessment. Even if services seem busy at the moment, it's important to know that support is available.
The new Mental Health Helpline is open 24/7, simply call 0800 001 4331.
There is also a helpline for children and young people, parents, carers and professionals that is available 24/7. To access call Here4You on 0800 234 6342.
You may need urgent help for many reasons. The important thing to know is you will not be wasting anyone's time.
Read more about the urgent help available in a crisis by using this link