We are looking for the help of individuals or their carers who have been involved with police due to mental illness. We'd like to hear about your experiences to shape how services across Lincolnshire can deliver the best and most appropriate care.
When people are in mental health crisis, they need timely access to support that is compassionate and meets their needs. With this in mind a Right Care, Right Person approach is being rolled out nationwide.
To get this right for Lincolnshire, we're working with Lincolnshire Police, other local NHS organisations, East Midlands Ambulance Services (EMAS), local authorities and the voluntary sector to identify how to implement the Right Care, Right Person approach in the county.
While there will always be cases where the police need to be involved in responding to someone in mental health crisis (for example, where a crime or potential crime is involved), police are not always the most appropriate agency to respond.
This can result in people with mental health needs experiencing greater distress and having poorer experiences of the mental health care pathway and police being taken away from other areas of their work.
The Right Care, Right Person is an approach designed to ensure that people of all ages, who have health and/or social care needs, are responded to by the right person, with the right skills, training, and experience to best meet their needs.
We are looking for people who have lived experience and/or people who care for people with lived experience, who would like to work in partnership with LPFT to support the development of this approach.
If you have ever been placed under a Section 136 or have been involved with the police due to your mental illness, we would like to hear from you.
We are looking for a small friendly group to meet with the Head of Service to hear about your experiences and how your voice can make future improvements.
Please contact lpft.involvement@nhs.net for further information.