Your rights

Mental Health Act

The Mental Health Act 1983 confirms in law the rights of people with a mental health condition.  It establishes how people with mental Health conditions should be treated.  The Act details the assessment process required to compulsively detain a person. The Act lays out the rights of the people when detained under a section of the Mental Health Act.     

The Mental Health Act 2007 updated the 1983 Act.  These updates reflected the changes in how Mental Health Services are delivered. The majority of these changes are now in place, with some still in progress.  

Lincolnshire Mental Health Act office

Our Mental Health Act office ensures the administration of the Act. The team purpose is to:  

  • Hold the original detention papers for all service users detained for treatment by us
  • Organise access to Mental Health Review Tribunials and Mental Health Act Managers Meetings for detained service users
  • Liaise with Solicitors representing detained service users
  • Co-ordinate responses to Care Quality Commission (CQC) visits
  • Provide information on the Mental Health Act

For further information, please contact our Mental Health Act Team.

List of pages

Useful contacts

Mental Health Act Team