Chaplaincy and spiritual care
Human spirituality is expressed through the things that bring each of us meaning and value in life. Spirituality can sometimes include religion but the two are not the same.
Your part in the process of coping with your illness is more important than we can say. We aim to help you to build up your own inner resources. Our chaplains can help you explore your spirituality more confidently, whether you follow a particular religion or not.
What the chaplains offer
- a listening ear
- a friendly face
- confidential counselling and emotional support in times of crisis
- support in exploring your spirituality
- support if and when you wish to practice your particular faith whilst in inpatient services
- contact with faith and non-faith communities as needed
- support in personal faith issues
- prayer for those who seek it or find comfort from it
- a caring and non-judgemental approach
- support for NHS staff
The team are also involved in training and projects to promote knowledge and understanding of mental health issues amongst the wider faith communities.
Who are we?
Our chaplains are trained and experienced in mental health care chaplaincy. Representatives from other faiths can be called upon to help our service users and their families as requested. Like all our staff, the chaplaincy and spiritual care team are bound by the same strict confidentiality rules.
Useful contacts
Chaplaincy team
Call: 01522 518500