Meaning of Abbreviations and Jargon

We often use words in our everyday language that you may not understand, so we thought a jargon buster might help just so you know what it means if you hear these terms.

General acronyms

  • A&E - Accident and Emergency
  • AHP - Allied Health Professional 
  • AIMS -Accreditation of Inpatient Mental Health Services
  • AMHP - Approved Mental Health Professional - usually a social worker or nurse who assesses mental state under the mental health act.
  • AP - Assistant Practitioner
  • BCP - Business Continuity Plan
  • CBT - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • CC - Care Coordinator 
  • CHC - Continuing Health Care
  • CMHT - Community Mental Health Team
  • CPA - Care Programme Approach
  • CQC - Care Quality Commission
  • CTO - Community Treatment Order - restrictions apply when out of hospital. This can be around compliance with medication. 
  • CTR - Care and Treatment Review
  • DBT - Dialectal Behavioural Therapy
  • DNA - Did Not Attend
  • DOLS - Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
  • DToC - Delayed Transfer of Care
  • EAU - Emergency Assessment Unit 
  • ECT - Electro Convulsive Therapy 
  • EDT - Emergency Duty Team - an out of hours service of AMHPs.
  • EIP - Early Intervention in Psychosis
  • FFT - Family and Friends Test
  • HCA - Healthcare Assistant
  • HCSW - Healthcare Support Worker
  • HTT - Home Treatment Team
  • IAPT - Improving Access to Pyschological Therapies
  • ICB - Intergrated Care Board
  • KLOE - Key Lines of Enquiry, which are SCREW - Safe, Caring Responsive, Effective and Well-led.
  • KPI - Key Performance Indicator 
  • LA - Local Authority 
  • LCHS - Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust
  • LD - Learning Disability 
  • LPA - Lasting Power of Attorney 
  • LPFT - Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • LPS - Liberty Protection Safeguards
  • MCA - Mental Capacity Act
  • MDM - Multi-Disciplinary Meeting - where all professionals involved meet up. 
  • Meriden - Behavioural Family Therapy, used by LPFT.
  • MHA - Mental Health Act
  • MHRT - Mental Health Review Tribunal 
  • MoJ - Ministry of Justice
  • NA - Nursing Assistant
  • NHSI - NHS Improvement
  • NICE - National Institute of Clinical Excellence
  • NMC - Nursing and Midwifery Council 
  • OP - Outpatient 
  • OPA - Outpatient Appointment
  • OT - Occupational Therapy or Therapist 
  • PALS - Patient Advice and Liaison Service
  • PCDU - Psychiatric Clinical Decisions Unit 
  • PEAT - Patient Environment Action Team
  • PHB - Personal Health Budget
  • PICU - Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit 
  • PLACE - Patient Lead Assessment of the Care Environment 
  • POC - Package of Care
  • PPE - Patient and Public Engagement or Personal Protective Equipment
  • PT - Physiotherapy or Physiotherapist
  • RC - Responsible Clinician – usually the consultant psychiatrist involved with a patients care.
  • RC - Recovery College
  • RI - Restrictive Intervention – a taught technique whereby staff physically hold a person to prevent them from hurting themselves or others. Sometimes known as PMVA (Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression).
  • SALT - Speech And Language Team
  • SPA - Single Point of Access
  • SW - Social Worker
  • TFT - Thyroid Function Test
  • TNA - Trainee Nursing Associate 
  • ULHT - United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust
  • WRAP - Wellness Recovery Action Plan
  • YCS - Young Carers Service

Medication acronyms

  • PRN – as and when required medication
  • BD – twice a day – usually talking about a frequency of medication
  • TDS – three times a day – usually regarding medication frequency
  • QDS – four times a day – usually regarding medication frequency
  • Mane – in the morning – usually regarding medication frequency
  • Nocte – at night – usually regarding medication frequency
  • IM – intra muscular (injection) – an injection given to the patient into a muscle
  • Depot – antipsychotic medication given in the form of an injection
  • MR - Modified Release
  • NRT - Nicotine Replacement Therapy
  • SAM - Self-Administering Medicaiton
  • CD - Controlled Drug
  • RT - Rapid Tranquilisation
  • EPSE - Extrapyramidal Side Effects
  • SSRI - Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitor
  • TCA - Tricyclic Antidepressant 
  • MAOI - Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor 
  • ADR - Adverse Drug Reaction
  • C&M - Choice and Medication
  • SCRIPT - Shortened word for prescription