Accessible Information Standard

The Accessible Information Standard is a new law to make sure that people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss are given information they can easily read or understand. It is about making information easier to understand for people living with communication and information needs.

Everyone needs accessible information however significant numbers of people with a disability find it difficult to read the 'average' information available from most service providers. We have a social responsibility to ensure that people who use our services have access to information in formats that are appropriate to their needs.

Our staff should be asking all patients if they have any information or communication needs and identifying how to meet those needs. We need to ensure patients get information in their preferred formats, such as audio, large print and braille.

If you would prefer to receive information in an alternative format or need support with communication when you attend appointments please let our staff know.

You can call your local team and speak to reception or mention this at your next appointment.

Your healthcare worker will note this on your record so everyone in your care team is aware of your requirements.

For more information on the standard can be accessed via the NHS England Website: