How do we move on from COVID-19? Local mental health and learning disability trust showcasing improvements and future plans

Published on: 2nd September 2020

This September will see Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT) host its Annual Public Meeting as a virtual event, showcasing its work during 2019-20 and what it has learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic.

2020 has been an unprecedented year for all of the NHS. LPFT have had to make changes in how it delivers services to ensure patients and staff continue to get the support they need. The Trust’s Annual Public Meeting is an opportunity for the public to hear how local NHS mental health and learning disability services have made improvements and changes pre-COVID but also how the organisation plans to recover and transform services in the future.

Presentations will take place on Thursday 17 September, 13:00 – 16:30. Attendees do not need special software installed to join; all they need is access to the internet. A recording will also be available after the event for those who can’t join on the day.

Paul Devlin, Chair of Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, said:

“Whilst COVID-19 has occupied our lives over the last few months, there are numerous innovative projects that our teams had been working on throughout 2019 and 2020 that we’d like to share with our service users, carers and community. The Annual Public Meeting is a great forum for showcasing the developments taking place and also sharing some of our initial thinking for how we will be responding in light of our learning during the coronavirus pandemic.

“This event is a highlight in our year and whilst we can’t welcome people in person, we hope that many of you can still join us online.”

As part of the formal proceedings, people will have the opportunity to hear from the Trust’s Board of Directors, who will speak about the Trust’s performance over the last year, as well as addressing the challenges of the future.

Other senior leaders will present LPFT’s Annual Report and Accounts for the period, after which members of the public are invited to put questions to the Board of Directors.

The event will also feature the annual members’ meeting which will include an update on Trust governor activities.

To join this free event, there is no need to book, please visit this link: 

If anyone would like to submit a question in advance they can email the Assistant Trust Secretary, Karen Scott, on, no later than Monday, 14 September.