2019 Staff Excellence Awards winners


Equality and Inclusion 

Inspirational Leader 

Clinical Unsung Hero 

Clinical Team of the Year 

Making a Difference 


Non-Clinical Unsung Hero 

Non-Clinical Team of the Year 

Volunteer of the Year 

People's Award


Chair's Award


The Vales - Discovery House

James Smith - Ward Manager, Conolly Ward

Harry Dixon - Peer Support Worker, Young Minds Matter

Older Adult Home Treatment Team

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Service

Rochford Housekeeping Team

Kirsty Johnson - Estates Healthy and Safety Advisor

Medical HR and Medical Education team

John Donoghue - Healthy Minds volunteer

Nikki Gibson - Clinical Lead and Occupational Therapist, Staff Wellbeing Service

Simon Ringland - Team Coordinator Bed Management and Psychiatric Clinical Decisions Unit (PCDU)