This section of the annual report will cover:
- welcome from the Chair and Chief Executive
- who we are
- what we do
- highlights of the year
- awards
- accreditations.
This section of the annual report will cover:
- an overview by Sarah Connery - Chief Executive and Accounting Officer including the promotion of equality of service delivery
- the Trusts three quality priorities
- results of the latest CQC Inspection
- environmental sustainability performance.
Accountability report
This section of the annual report will cover:
- information about our Board of Directors
- changes during the year to Board membership
- Board members' other commitments and interests
- appointment and removal of Board members
- Well-led governance reviews
- stakeholder relations
- involvement activiity
- statement of complicance with cost allocation and charging guidance
- financial best practice codes and ethics
- Better Payments Practice Code
- fees and charges
- political donations
- income disclosure
Remuneration report
This section of the annual report will cover:
- remuneration for executive
- remuneration for non-executive directors
- future policy table: performance remuneration and contractual arrangements
- compensation scheme and benefits in kind
- remuneration disclosures
- directors' remuneration
- salaries and allowances: non-executive directors
- pension benefits of Trust senior managers
Staff report
This section of the annual report will cover:
- analysis of the workforce
- staff turnover and costs
- health and wellbeing of staff (including Lincolnshire System working and partnerships
- our staff policies and actions
- employee information, consultation and engagement
- staff benefits
- staff recognition
- staff experience and engagement
- NHS staff survey
- Trade Union facility time
- off-payroll arrangements
- exit packages
- Annual Equality Report
- Modern Slavery Act 2015
- Health and Safety
- Counter Fraud
NHS Foundation Trust Code of Governance
This section of the annual report will cover:
- governance and constitutional powers
- register of interests
- compliance with the Code of Governance
- Care Quality Commission (CQC)
- Council of Governors
- Trust chair
- elected members
- Lead Governor
- Trust support for governors
- expenses
- training
- meetings
- contacting governors
Board of Directors
This section of the annual report will cover:
- performance assessment
- challenge and assurance
- additional disclosures: emergency and temporary service changes
- attendance at Board and Board committee meetings
- Joint Board meetings
- Trust Board committees
- Audit Committee
- Auditors
- Quality Committee
- Sustainability Committee
- People Committee
- Appointment and Terms of Service (ATS) Committee
- The Nomonations and Remuneration (NOMS) Committee
- Foundation Trust Membership
- membership development and engagement strategy
- membership engagement
- service user and carer involvement
- benefits of being a member of the Trust
- compliance with the Code of Governance
NHS Oversight Framework: Disclosure
This section of the annual report will cover:
- NHS Oversight Framework - five national themes
- segmentation
- finance and use of resources
Statement of the Chief Executive's responsibilities as the Accounting Officer of Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
This secton of the annual report will cover:
- responsibilities of the Accounting Officer
This section of the annual report will cover:
- scope of responsibility
- the purpose of the system of internal control
- capacity to handle risk
- the risk and control framework
- Care Quality Commission (CQC)
- re-review of economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the use of resources
- information governance
- review of effectiveness
- conclusion