Best use of resources

We will maximise our resources for the benefit of our communities and the environment

Working with you we will

  • Make the most of every £1 invested in the Trust, to maximise the support we and our partners offer.
  • Embrace innovation and technology to ensure we can deliver services effectively and provide access in a way people want.
  • Develop systems and data so we have the right information.
  • Ensure people can access their own heath information to make informed choices about their care.
  • Continue to improve how we design, use, and build our estate to create the best environments to work and receive care in.
  • Reduce our carbon footprint and strive to deliver net zero targets, to create a greener, sustainable future.
  • Maximise the wider benefits to the communities we support, from all our investments and developments.

How we will know

  • Greater understanding of what we and our partners are spending on services.
  • Better use of collective resources for the communities we support.
  • Increased investment in mental health, dementia, learning disability and autism services.
  • Investment demonstrates societal benefits for our local community.
  • Greater influence in ensuring investments are in the right services, right place, and delivered by the right provider.
  • People tell us they have the right environments, digital tools and information to meet their needs.
  • Net Carbon Zero targets are met through procurement, more sustainable sources of power, increased recycling, and greater access to energy efficient transport.