Outstanding quality
We will continuously improve to deliver high quality, innovative care
Working with you we will
- Co-produce at every stage of service design and delivery.
- Hear service users, carers and their families, ensuring they are at the centre of their care.
- Make it easy to access safe, evidence-based care, at the right time, in a way that suits people’s needs and individual choices.
- Make sure people experience kind, hopeful and compassionate care, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
- Ensure care and communication are coordinated, personalised and treat the whole person.
- Maximise independence and help people to reach their goals.
- Celebrate success, share good practice, and learn from people’s experiences.
- Support our people to be professionally curious, to innovate and protect service users, carers and families’ rights.
How we will know
- People report easy access, positive experience, and effective outcomes.
- People are kept safe from avoidable harm.
- More people provide honest feedback, in a way that works for them.
- We can demonstrate we have learnt and improved when things go right and wrong.
- We meet and influence the standards of evidence-based practice.
- There is new learning through research and innovation.
- There are co-produced and implemented ways to measure the quality of our services.
- Service users and carers have access to effective advocacy support when they need it.