Help shape our Governor and Membership Strategy 2022-2027

Published on: 27th July 2021

Since March this year, the Council of Governors Representation Committee has been busy overseeing and agreeing on ways the Trust can consult and co-produce with its governors, members and the public on the development of the next Governor and Membership Strategy.

So far we have carried out an iterative process and obtained some valuable ideas and views from our governors and members about how they would like the strategy to be written, presented and developed, over the next five years.  Having utilised the Governors Development Day in March, governors have pro-actively established together their vision for the strategy, using their experience and knowledge of what it’s like being in their roles, helping translate this into valuable ideas and information for the strategy. This information has fed into two consecutive working groups between a dedicated group of governors and members successfully working together to further these ideas. 

The Governor and Membership Strategy is now at a stage in which it’s ready for consultation with our members and the public and we are delighted to invite you for comments.

You can view a copy of our draft Governor and Membership Strategy 2022-2027 here. Please send any comments you have on the strategy to by 20 September 2021.

The Trust would also like your views on what to call the new strategy. To date members and governors have come up with the following potential names for the strategy based around 'Better Together',  which is the name of the Trust's members magazine.

  •  Better Together: our Trust in your hands
  • Better Together: our Trust for you
  • Better Together: have your say in our Trust Services
  • Better Together: your Trust in our hands
  • The Trust works Better Together with you
  • The Trust that works Better Together and forward as one

As part of your feedback, please let us know your views on the names suggested above. 

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