LPFT national staff survey results revealed

Published on: 2nd March 2015

Our Trust has been rated better than the majority of mental health trusts in the country for the percentage of staff (91%) who believe their role makes a difference to patients, experience job satisfied and feel motivated at work.

The results of the annual NHS Staff Survey 2014 show positive and much improved results, both year-on-year and in comparison with other mental health trusts. 25 of the Trust’s scores (out of a total of 29) were above the mental health trust average and only four below average.  Our results rank our organisation better than average when compared to other similar NHS trusts in a number of other areas:
• Better than average rate of staff experiencing work pressures
• Better than average rate of staff receiving support from their immediate managers
• Better than average numbers of staff receiving health and safety training in the last 12 months
• Better than average number of staff reporting potentially harmful errors, near misses or incidents
• Better than average the number of staff there is fairness and effectiveness for reporting potentially harmful errors, near misses or incidents
• Lower than average number of staff experiencing physical violence from staff in the last 12 months
• Lower than average number of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from patients and their relatives in the last 12 months
• Lower than average number of staff feeling pressured to attend work when feeling unwell in the last three months
• Better than average number of staff that had received equality and diversity training in the last 12 months
• Lower than average the number of staff reporting that they had experienced discrimination at work in the last 12 months.

Our associate director of human resources and leadership, Tony Kavanagh, said: “The survey results for 2014 show that the actions we’ve put in place over the 12 months have helped to substantially improve the working experience for our staff which in turn has a positive impact on the care that we provide. There is, of course, more to do and the survey helps us to identify where to focus our efforts in the coming months to ensure that we continue to improve.  We will ensure that our staff are well supported at work and encourage their ideas to enable the trust to continuously improve."

The NHS national staff survey provides a useful source of information to help assess and identify issues relating to the quality and reputation of the Trust as a place to receive care and treatment and as a place to work in. Following on from the survey each year the Trust produces a series of actions that address areas where improvements can be made.