Trust pledges support to #Hellomyname is campaign

Published on: 10th March 2015

Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is today pledging their support for the #hellomynameis campaign.

#hellomynameis is a campaign launched by Dr Kate Granger, who has terminal cancer.

Whilst in hospital as an inpatient, Dr Granger observed that members of hospital staff often failed to introduce themselves properly before beginning to administer their care.  Dr Granger felt that a simple introduction by members of staff would go a long way towards putting patients at ease

As a result, Dr Granger decided to start the #hellomynameis campaign on Twitter and through her online blog.  Her mission is to make a cultural change and get as many members of NHS staff to pledge to introduce themselves properly to their patients.

Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is promoting the campaign by raising awareness of #hellomynameis and making pledges to support it as part of NHS Change Week.

Zoë Rowe, Interim Deputy Director of Nursing & Quality has championed the #hellomynameis campaign at the Trust.  She said:

Dr Granger’s story is incredibly powerful, as anyone who has read her blog would agree.  Her illness enabled Kate to experience patient care first hand where, despite her own medical background she felt many of the fears and concerns that all patients must share. She believes that all healthcare professionals could take simple steps to improve the hospital experience for their patients.

Here at LPFT we wanted to show our support for the #hellomynameis campaign - and for Kate - by asking staff to make more of a conscious effort to introduce themselves to any patient, the first time they meet.

A confident introduction is the first step to providing care and is often all it takes to put patients at ease and make them feel relaxed whilst using our services.  We are also reminding staff to ask the patient how they wish to be addressed and ensure their name badges are visible at all times whilst delivering care.

To find about more about the #hellomynameis campaign and about Dr Granger, please visit