Holistic Health for the Homeless service

Rough sleeping is becoming more prevalent across the country. Lincolnshire is no exception to this. The county has seen an increasing number of people homeless or living in temporary accommodation. 
A lot of people sleeping rough in Lincolnshire will gravitate towards Lincoln City. As it has a number of homeless services and night shelters available.  

The Holistic Health for the Homeless Service (HHH) was created to enable homeless people access health care and social care.  The service provides both physical and mental health care.  In the past there have been few specific services for people with complex needs. The HHH supports people with complex needs.   

What the Service Offers

The Holistic Health for the Homeless service (HHH) is open to anyone within the City of Lincoln who is:

  • A rough sleeper or
  • Temporary accommodated

The purpose of the service is to provide both physical and mental health care and support.  Be it either on a planned or unplanned basis. The team works to: 

  • Identify the needs of person
  • Provide the appropriate treatment
  • Provide case management for long term conditions for physical and mental health.

The overall aim of the service is to provide support until the person can transition back into accessing main stream health provision via a GP Practice.

Christine Coupar, Service Manager, said: “We provide a person-centred health service for people who are homeless or in temporary accommodation. We work with partner organisations, both statutory and voluntary, to provide joined up holistic care that meets people’s needs and requirements.”

The HHH Team provide drop in clinics at venues across the City of Lincoln.  The team comprises of:

  • Service Manager
  • GP
  • Psychiatrist
  • Mental Health Nurse
  • Physical Health Nurses 
  • Assistant Practitioners


The HHH service working hours are Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.

Any partner agency can recommend any person rough sleeping or temporary accommodated to the HHH service. Referrals can be made by:


Contact Details:

To contact the HHH Service please Telephone:  01522 307800 and leave a voice message.  

Please note that voice messages are picked up during working hours only i.e Monday - Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Or you could email staff on:  lpft.holistichealthcareforthehomeless@nhs.net