Council of Governors Representation Committee meetings

Our Council of Governors Representation Committee meets at least four times a year. It draws together the work of Trust involvement, Governors, Membership and members' issues into one forum.  It is governor-led and enables them to perform their general duties in representing the membership of the Trust and the wider public.

In usual circumstances, meetings are held in public and therefore anyone is welcome to attend as an observer. There is also an opportunity to ask questions during the first 15 minutes of the meeting, but only governors and invited guests may speak following this.

Next meeting

The next Council of Governors Representation Committee meeting will be 10am-12pm 8 July 2024. 

If you have a question you would like to ask the committee, please email no later than 5pm on Thursday 4 April.

You can join the meeting here.

Important note:

The majority of the trust meetings are now held online via MS Teams.

Upcoming meetings in 2024

  • 7 October

Recording of meeting on 8 April 2024

The Council of Governors Representation Committee meeting that took place on 8 July 2024 can be viewed online here

We are aware that the documents on this page may not be accessible for all. We will be creating accessible versions of the documents as they are reviewed however in the meantime, if you need a document we’ve published in a different format, please email or telephone 01522 309194.

Search files

Thumbnail Title Size
folder icon 1) 8 January 2024
folder icon 2) 8 April 2024
folder icon 3) 8 July 2024
folder icon 4) 7 October 2024

Useful contacts

Governor and Membership Office

Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
St George's
Lincoln LN1 1FS

Related links