Trust to showcase improvements and future plans at upcoming Annual Public and Members’ Meetings

Published on: 5th August 2024

This September will see Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT) host its annual public and members’ meetings. Members of the public are invited to attend this free event focused on local mental health, dementia, learning disability and autism services.

The event will take place during the morning of Wednesday 25 September, at the Centre for Learning, Development and Research in Sleaford.

There will be presentations on a number of local service improvements, including:

  • Adult Mental Health Community Transformation Programme
  • Countywide Memory Assessment and Management Service
  • Adult Inpatient Quality Improvement Scoping Project and Future Plans
  • Children and Young People Mental Health Transformation Programme

There will also be exhibitions highlighting various Trust services and new innovations implemented by teams over the past year, as well as stands from a number of community transformation groups.

Kevin Lockyer, Trust Chair, said: “I am looking forward to welcoming our members and the community to this event. It will be an opportunity to learn more about how the Trust continues to support people to live well in their communities, as well as showcase the work colleagues across the organisation are doing and the difference they are making to the people who use our services.”

As part of the formal proceedings, people will have the opportunity to hear from the Trust’s Board of Directors, who will speak about the Trust’s performance over the last year, as well as addressing the challenges of the future.

Other senior leaders will present the Trust’s Annual Report and Accounts for the period, after which members of the public are invited to put questions to the Board of Directors.

The event will also feature the annual members’ meeting, which will include an update on Trust governor activities.

Light refreshments will be provided throughout the morning and on-site parking is available.

The full address for the event is the Centre for Learning, Development and Research, Unit 3, The Reservation, East Road, Sleaford, NG34 7BY. Doors open at 9.30am, with an introduction given by the Chair, Kevin Lockyer, commencing at 10.00am.

Please visit or call (01522) 309200, to book a place at this free event.