LPFT's vision is ‘Supporting sustainability through the provision of effective and efficient health and social care in partnership with local communities’. Read th...
If you are interested in being part of our strategy group, to help us develop the process over the next few weeks
Anita Lewin, Director of Nursing, Allied Health Professionals and Quality retires after spending her entire career dedicated to mental health services in Lincolnshire.
Please contact ‘Lincolnshire Here4You’ line if you are uncertain whether to refer, or if you need help with how to refer. The Line is available between 9.30am and 4.30...
A Keyworker can help children and young people, and their families, navigate through the complex processes and systems to get the support that they need.
Our Specialist Keyworker Service has been set up to provide support for autistic children and young people (CYP) and/or those with a learning disability, who are at risk of being a...
Involving patients, carers and families is crucial to ensure we hear the voices of those with lived experience of mental health issues.
We’re inviting children, young people, parents, carers and professionals to share their views on children and young people’s autism and learning disability mental healt...
We’re inviting children, young people, parents, carers and professionals to share their views on children and young people’s autism and learning disability mental healt...
Lincolnshire Student Nurse Dorothy Dixon won 'Student Nurse of the Year: Mental Health’ at the Student Nursing Times Awards which was held on Friday 23 April 2023.
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