The publication scheme must set out a commitment to make certain classes of information routinely available, such as policies and procedures, minutes of meetings, annual reports and financial information.
Who we are and what we do
- How we fit into the NHS
- Foundation Trust
- Responsibilities of the organisation
- Roles and Responsibilities of Boards and Committees (TOR), departments
- Details (including photos) of Board Members
- Contact details of all public facing departments
- Locations and maps
What we spend and how we spent it
- Annual statement of accounts (at least last two years)
- Budgets and variance reports
- Standing Financial Instructions
- Allowances and expenses which can be claimed by staff
- Expenses paid to Board Members
- Funding
- Procurement and tendering processes
- Contracts currently being tendered
- Staff costs
- Annual Report and Accounts
What our priorities are and how we are doing
- Annual Report
- Annual Business Plan
- Targets, Aims and Objectives
- Strategic Direction document
- Performance against targets
- Clinical Governance
- CQC – Annual check
- Service user surveys
- Staff surveys
How we make decisions
- Minutes and papers of all public meetings
- Board meeting summaries (since FT)
- Membership Strategy and Clinical Strategy
- Public consultations
- Information available to staff on how to make decisions
Our Policies and Procedures
- Policies & Procedures
- Current staff vacancies
- Standing financial instructions
- Standing Orders
- Complaints
- Accessing Information
- Health and Safety
Lists and registers
- Declaration of interests registers
The services we offer
- Details of services
- Leaflets
- Media releases
- Publications
- PALS details and other advice available